By Super User on Thursday, 01 June 2023
Category: Uncategorized

International Newsletter June 2023

Training Young Leaders from Russia, Belarus, and Kazakhstan 

"In the first weeks during our seeking God time, the students would come up to us and say, ‘I don’t know what to do with myself,’” Misha shared. As Steiger regional leader of Eurasia, he got a front-row seat to the life-changing transformation the 42 students from Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, and Georgia went through during the 4 week long regional SMS.

The students held 3 outreaches in Batumi. They shared the Gospel with 381 people and prayed with 283. Twenty-three of those people made decisions to follow Jesus!

With the regional school, we quadrupled the number of SMS students from Russia, Kazakhstan, Georgia, and Belarus!

At the end of the dedicated time with God, catalytic training, and creative evangelism experiences, students who previously had no idea what they were doing with their lives could now articulate their purpose with confidence.

“Right after the school, I talked with a student named Nadia,” Misha recalled. “She said, ‘My life is divided between the time before the school and the time after the school. Everything now is completely different!’”

Secular young people engaged with our SMS students even in the pouring rain.

We held the regional SMS in response to war-related travel restrictions and have had an explosion in young people joining our teams - our numbers have quadrupled! As young people look for a means to protest what’s happening in their countries, many have stepped out in faith to preach the Gospel as never before. Nothing can stop a move of God!

“This school is bringing us to a new level,” Misha said. “We’re going to have a new wave of followers of Jesus who are real leaders in our region. We have more than a hundred new initiatives, and we need mature and strong people to lead them. If even half of the people who went to SMS get involved doing that, it will be incredible!”

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